Why Perform Coolant Testing?
- Provides vital information on the health of your engine - increasing performance in modern engines places more importance than ever on maintaining proper operating temperatures.
- Wide breadth of testing - MRT's suite of coolant tests can catch problems ranging from corrosion, to improper coolant formulation, to glycol degradation, and more.
Over 40% of preventable engine failures are estimated to be due to problems in the cooling system. Specialty coolants must be mixed properly and maintain low levels of contaminants to properly support critical rotating equipment, as well as perform as designed in low temperature environments.
We offer Basic and Premium testing packages and the major difference between the two offerings is ion chromatography being applied to the Premium Coolant Package. Ion chromatography offers an enhanced procedure to identify foreign contaminants, confirm proper blending, and detect decomposition of glycol-based fluids.
We highly recommend coolant analysis for any client already managing an oil analysis portfolio. The testing goes hand and hand with lubricant testing and coolant system condition monitoring is equally important

On every coolant analysis report, we guarantee to provide an informed assessment of corrosion levels, whether the coolant is suitable for continued use in its current state, and whether contamination is promoting adverse conditions in the system.
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